Author: Kendall Law Firm

woman driving

A study from the University of Virginia says women wearing seatbelts are much more likely than men to be seriously injured or killed in front-end car accidents. The reason, researchers believe, is because car safety research does not include women. The … Continue reading

car accident scene

The Kendall Law Firm discusses the appropriate steps to take after a car accident to be well prepared if you need to file an injury claim. It can be very hard to focus and think clearly in the hours and days after … Continue reading

summer tubing down river in charlottesville va

The long, warm days of summer lead more people to outdoor activities and, unfortunately, more personal injuries. People enjoy the great outdoors in summer for such activities as swimming, traveling, barbecuing and attending outdoor events that crowd the calendar of summer … Continue reading

Kendall Law Firm offers the assistance of our Winchester personal injury Lawyer to help clients who are struggling to overcome serious injuries and need a strong advocate. Kendall Law Firm has a knowledgeable attorney to represent victims of accidents caused by the … Continue reading

people arguing after a car accident

When a car accident happens, it can be a disruptive and traumatic experience. It’s common to be shaken up and need time to regain your composure. If you are not too badly injured, it is important to center yourself quickly … Continue reading

Kendall Law Firm has impressive client testimonials showing the efforts that Attorney David Kendall and his team make to assist clients who have been harmed by others’ negligence. With more than 30 years of experience, the Virginia personal injury law firm has … Continue reading

distracted driving using cell phone

Social media has become central to many of our lives. The average person spends more than two hours a day on social media. You probably found this article on a social media platform. As a personal injury attorney, I have strong opinions … Continue reading

person looking upset after uninsured motorist accident

Most drivers know that if they are involved in a car accident someone else has caused, then the at-fault driver’s auto liability insurance will pay for their losses. However, Virginia drivers are sometimes involved in car accidents with motorists who do not … Continue reading

car accident scene

Are you an accident victim? After a car accident, it is not uncommon for drivers and others involved to begin pointing fingers. After all, car crashes are costly, regardless of whether one expects insurance to pay for vehicle repairs, medical … Continue reading

teens driving in convertible

Teens get into more car accidents because they are less experienced drivers. Teen drivers are more likely to make mistakes or take risks such as speeding, driving while distracted, or drinking and driving. Most teen driving accidents are single-vehicle accidents, the Virginia Department of Motor … Continue reading